rom the inside, the historic walls of the Princess Hamilton are adorned with an iconic art collection that includes original artwork from artists such as Andy Warhol, Nelson Mandela, Bansky, among many others. And from the outside, the majestic pink walls stand tall and make the perfect backdrop for a serious collection of plants and flowers where tiny lizards live happily. I tried to focus and indulge in the beauty that surrounded me. To be present. And thankful. To not think too much of the travel ahead, my connecting flights, the work that awaited back home, the surgery…
Five Packing Tips with Away *Giveaway*
I'm on the road a lot these days. Between weddings, brand partnerships, and going back and forth between Austin and New York City, to say that I'm living in my suitcase would be an understatement. In case you have not caught up yet, my husband and I moved to Austin a few months ago, but my office/Fanm Djanm studio is still based in New York City. And before you ask me "why", I already answered all of that here. So I find myself traveling once a month for at least one whole week. Not only is the constant traveling overwhelming, packing is also one of my least favorite things to do.
Read MoreA Style Journal from New Orleans
I finally made it to New Orleans. And I fell in love with her colors. We hugged for a while. she welcomed me with open arms, and I got lost in her magic.
Read MoreTi Punch in Gwada - A Photo Journal
My toes sank in the black sand as I stepped toward the water. My right hand embraced a cool glass of Ti Punch, a local drink made with rum, sugar cane, and lime, that I must confess was my drink of choice during my visit - I had it everyday with lunch and dinner, and as an afternoon snack. My other hand cupped the end of my long, flowy dress as I continued to follow the direction of the sun. Each step felt like an awkward, clumsy waltz. The wind picked up, and it whimsically pulled the dress from my hand and I watched it sway away in its direction.
Read MoreLost in Hotel Oloffson
At the table, the calm air danced around us. A cat brushed past Regine's ankles, and she froze. She's terrified of them I learned that day. I dug in my plate of akra (malanga fritters), and waved the server over for more pikliz (a condiment made of picked shredded cabbage and hot peppers that I can't live without.) I had a bottle of cold Prestige just a few inches away from my big plate of Haitian fritay. That afternoon was to be cherished for a long time.
Read MoreUp the hills of Petion-Ville- A photo journal

Up the hills in Petion-Ville, I zigzagged through Place St. Pierre, hunting for familiar things. Ah yes! Asterix, the bookstore, I remember that place. It got me in so much trouble as a child. I used to escape in the aisles, sitting on the floor with a pop magazine on my lap. I remember reading about Jennifer Aniston and other celebrities whose work I'd never even heard of. They all seemed so far away. In a land I'd never reach. I'd spend hours there, then later to be met by my mother's belt at home. She thought I used to sneak around to meet boys. And no matter how many times I told her I was terrified of them, I'd be punished either way because I made my little brother wait. Instead of picking him up from school on time, I went to small bookshop to escape.
Read MoreI had a conversation with the moon, and I cried
I've been working for myself over two years now. And since I've started, I've been able to travel several places to share what I do with different audiences. So far, each trip has been incredibly meaningful and have impacted me in ways that I never thought possible. This one time, I was in Puerto Rico with Fanm Djanm as a vendor for the biggest annual natural hair meet-up event hosted by Diosas Al Natural, and the day before the big event, my friend Kristia and I walked to the beach with a bottle of bubbly and a hula hoop to catch the sunset. Our goal was to really let go and have fun.
Read MoreBooze Cruise, Bermuda Glow, and Fashion
I came back to Harlem on Sunday with a very noticeable glow, and everyone who has seen me has complimented me on it. So I smile and casually respond, "It's the Bermuda glow." During my stay on the beautiful island, bright blue water, vibrant colorful homes and flowers greeted me from every direction. A smile followed by a gentle "hello" came with every encounter, no matter how brief. I danced with the sunset, my toes tickled by the fine, pink sand. I partied with the locals and made some great friends. I left feeling more inspired that I have felt in a long time.
Read MoreMixing Prints in Bermuda
There's something about waking up with the view of the ocean from my bed that makes me just want to float. I could probably sit in bed for hours watching the bright blue water glimmer under the hot Bermudian sun. Inspired by the vibrant flowers, and poetic beaches, I pulled out an easy floral maxi for the Bermuda Fashion Festival International Designers Show. I wanted a fun, colorful, but regal look while keeping comfort in mind.
Read MoreAll the glitters at Bermuda Fashion Festival's Hair and Beauty Show
The ride from Coco Reef to City Hall was short and sweet. Joey and I were headed to Bermuda Fashion Festival's Hair and Beauty Show, a theatrical performance of dancers and fashion models featuring local salons and makeup artists...
Read MoreTassel bag and short shorts

I finally realized why I'm so big on accessorizing. When I first moved to New York City right after I graduated college with an empty wallet and laughable bank account, my shopping budget was very limited. I've always been somewhat of a frugal girl, but my desire to dress up and express myself through my colors only stronger...
Read MoreSeeking Sunshine in Sedona
I remember when I was in college or when I first moved to New York City, I often confused people with my happiness. People thought I was always under the influence because of the way I viewed life. If they didn’t think I was on drugs, they just said I was naive, or lived in a bubble. I’ve always been a grateful person. I used to be so grateful for so many things. I used to dance at any time I wanted to. And I would talk about my random dreams with friends, and before I ended my sentences, sometimes I would tell them how happy I was. I’d tell them that I couldn’t believe I was there, speaking to them in a language that wasn’t always mine and having a great time. I’d tell them that everything was possible.
Read MoreBeing a lover at Emerson Spice in Zanzibar
Reading sappy romance novels at a very young age in Haiti is definitely the cause of my intoxicated desire to watch or come up with crazy love stories on my own. I lived on a cloud during my childhood and early teenage years. In my daydreams, I went to many places in the world. I was always the strong character who gave men a big challenge when it came to winning my heart. In my dreams, I set the tone for everything. I would tell them where and when I wanted to see them, and let me tell you… Hotel Emerson Spice in Zanzibar is undoubtedly a place I’ve imagined in one these little silly dreams. A place I thought only existed in the fairytales I made up. Every window, curtain flowing in the wind, noise from the street vendors and passersby, rooftops from nearby buildings pulled at my every senses. I felt like crying and dancing at the same time. I couldn’t contain my joy!
Read MoreMy Colors in Old San Juan
A stroll through Old San Juan in a sheer white dress and leopard print headwrap reminded me of how beautiful it is to be a woman. I was no longer “Paola, the dreamer”. I was “Lola, the conquerer”. Yes, I have a few alter egos. They set the mood. They take me places. That day, I felt sexy and soft. I held my head up and walked straighter. I allowed myself to get lost in the streets. I twirled and spun when I wanted. I allowed the flowers hanging low from the colorful trees to touch me. Lola was out, and that meant… anything could happen.
Last year, I went to Puerto Rico, on a business trip. I reached out to a small boutique, Len.T.Juela Vintage, to collaborate on a few small projects. One of them was to shoot a few looks in the streets of San Juan using their clothes and accessories with my personal style. We linked up with Steph Segarra, and created a few looks I hand-picked from their beautiful collections, and these are the results!
Read MoreLost in Bermuda
Last year was adventurous. I was invited by Bermuda Fashion Festival to participate in their annual week-long fashion festivities this past July, and it was nothing short of amazing. I shared a guest house with models from Jamaica, California, and around the world. I mingled with international movie stars and fashion designers. I went on long walks by myself, and let the natural beauty lead my route.
Read MoreThe Bermuda Way
I was in Puerto Rico when I received the message. Bermuda Fashion Festival was happening, and I was invited to participate as a model and explore the beautiful island and all it had to offer. I’d never been, and it wasn’t on current travel bucket list, but I jumped at the opportunity. I’ve always heard how beautiful the island was. The flight was less than three hours, the itinerary presented seemed eventful and adventurous. I was at the airport at 5:30 in the morning before I knew it.
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